Nautical miles to kilometers converter
Nautical miles to kilometers converter allows you to calculate the number of kilometers [km] by entering any number of nautical miles [INM].
Nautical miles [INM] | Kilometers [km] |
1 | 1.852 |
2 | 3.704 |
3 | 5.556 |
4 | 7.408 |
5 | 9.26 |
6 | 11.112 |
7 | 12.964 |
8 | 14.816 |
9 | 16.668 |
10 | 18.52 |
Convert known heights to Nautical miles and kilometers
Nautical miles to kilometers converter can have many uses. To better understand the size scale of the units used, both measures are compared with known quantities on Earth.
Deep caves:
- Sarma cave 1830 m (Abkhazia / Georgia) it is also 0.98812 INM or 1.83 km.
- Gouffre Mirolda 1733 m (France) it is also 0.93575 INM or 1.733 km.
- Torca del Cerro del Cuevon [es] 1589 m (Spain) it is also 0.85799 INM or 1.589 km.
- Sistema Huautla 1560 m (Mexico) it is also 0.84233 INM or 1.56 km.
- Chevé Cave 1524 m (Mexico) it is also 0.82289 INM or 1.524 km.
- Boybuloq 1415 m (Uzbekistan) it is also 0.76404 INM or 1.415 km.
High buildings:
- Lotte World Tower 554.5 m (Seoul, South Korea) it is an equivalent to 0.29941 INM or 0.555 km.
- Taipei 101 508 m (Taipei, Taiwan) it is an equivalent to 0.2743 INM or 0.508 km.
- Changsha IFS Tower T1 452.1 m (Changsha, China) it is an equivalent to 0.24411 INM or 0.452 km.
- KK100 442 m (Shenzhen, China) it is an equivalent to 0.23866 INM or 0.442 km.
- Marina 101 425 m (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) it is an equivalent to 0.22948 INM or 0.425 km.
- CITIC Plaza 390.2 m (Guangzhou, China) it is an equivalent to 0.21069 INM or 0.39 km.
- Shun Hing Square 384 m (Shenzhen, China) it is an equivalent to 0.20734 INM or 0.384 km.