Nautical miles to feet converter
Nautical miles to feet converter calculate any feet value by giving the number of nautical miles. It is 1 nautical mile [INT] equals 6076.12 feet [ft].
Nautical miles
Nautical miles (abbreviated as INT) – used mainly in marine navigation as well as in aviation. The detailed measure of this unit corresponds to the length of the arc of the Earth’s meridian in 1 arc minute of the great circle. Since the length of the arc has a different value depending on the latitude, a constant value has been assumed. The value of a nautical mile is 1852 meters. However, until the mid-twentieth century, different values were adopted for this measure depending on the country.
Feet (ft for short) – as the name suggests, the measure refers to the length of a human foot. For a long time, the foot was the basic unit of measurement for length. Its value has changed both over time and countries. For this reason, there are many names of feet that differ in length. Typically, the foot in the 18th and 19th centuries was 28.3 cm to 32.5 cm long.
There are also feet of ancient origin, the length of which is from 29.6 cm for the altar foot to 35 cm for the Egyptian and Pergame foot. Nowadays, when we talk about the foot, we usually mean the English foot, which is 30.48 cm.
Nautical miles to feet converter on the table
Nautical miles [INT] | Feet [ft] |
1 | 6076.115 |
2 | 12152.231 |
3 | 18228.346 |
4 | 24304.462 |
5 | 30380.577 |
6 | 36456.693 |
7 | 42532.808 |
8 | 48608.924 |
9 | 54685.039 |
Examples of height and length conversions using nautical miles to feet
The nautical miles to feet converter is a convenient tool for checking length, depth or height, in feet. You can check the value of meters per nautical miles or nautical miles per feet. It is best to present the operation of the converter on a few examples, such as river lengths or mountain heights.
High mountains:
- Kangchenjunga 8586 m (Nepal) after converting metric units it will be 4.636 nautical miles and also on 45334080 feet.
- Kamet 7756 m (India) after converting metric units it will be 4.188 nautical miles and also on 40951680 feet.
- Gangkhar Puensum 7570 m (Bhutan) after converting metric units it will be 4.087 nautical miles and also on 39969600 feet.
- Sia Kangri 7422 m (Pakistan) after converting metric units it will be 4.008 nautical miles and also on 39188160 feet.
The length of the rivers:
- Songhua 1927 km (Amur) it is 1040.497 nautical miles as well as 10174560000 feet.
- Godavari 1465 km (Bay of Bengal) it is 791.037 nautical miles as well as 7735200000 feet.
- North Saskatchewan 1220 km (Saskatchewan) it is 658.747 nautical miles as well as 6441600000 feet.
- Bermejo 1050 km (Paraguay) it is 566.955 nautical miles as well as 5544000000 feet.